You are here: Financial Calculators > Taxes > Canada > Calculate the Transfer Tax (Bienvenue) in Quebec
Calculate the Transfer Tax (Bienvenue) in Quebec

The real estate transfer tax exists in Quebec since 1992. It is a tax applied to home buyers during the purchase of a property, and is also known as taxe de bienvenue (in French), or welcome tax. It was the minister Jean Bienvenue who recommended its application. It's a non-recurring property tax, applied only once, and helps finance the city's expenses. It is calculated from the highest amount between the purchase price or the municipal evaluation.
The tax amount is calculated as follows:
- No tax under 5000$
- 0.5% for the first 50 000$
- 1.0% between 50 000 and 250 000$
- 1.5% for any amount exceeding 250 000$
Please change the suggested values with your own amounts in the blue text boxes.
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